Thursday, April 30, 2009

My new sewing area!

Well, I am hoping that having a new, orderly sewing area will make me a more fastidious sewer (and blogger). I was thankful when I first got my original sewing area, which consisted of an old metal cabinet for my fabrics and a fold-up trestle table in a corner of our laundry room (before that it was the kitchen counter!). Unfortunately, I didn't think to take pictures before the 'transformation', but then again, it was always in such a state of mess, both from my sewing and the usual spill-over from the laundry area, that I would have been embarrassed to share such a photo anyway.

But last week my husband and I closed down our local company office (we both work for the same company). Due to budget cut-backs on a corporate level, we've been forced to move everything in the office into our home. Giving up a room in our house for work was not exactly our ideal, especially with a very vocal nine-month old crawling around the joint, but once we realised there was nothing we could do to change the accountants minds, we decided to look for the positives. Like... no commute to work. The ability to eat lunch together at home every day (well, when A is not on the road that is). Convenience of having everything close at hand...

One personal positive is that I was able to use some of the left over furniture we weren't able to get rid of from the office in my sewing area, which has made a huge difference to my sewing area! Goodbye old metal cupboard and trestle table... hello lovely big cutting / sewing table and cupboard!!! It looks so much nicer than it used to, and we have moved my sewing table out to the side (the old one used to be in the middle of the room, between the cupboard and the laundry area) which opens the whole area up. I love the 'new look', and really love the current order and neatness of the room! I just hope I can keep it this way, as it is certainly easier to go in and sew when I do get a break. (It used to be too overwhelming, as I'd have to dig out the sewing machine from beneath a mountain of clean clothes, towels, sheets, etc...). I look forward to using it more often! (And new resolution: keep it tidy

My new sewing room
Sewing room

I love all the light from the windows

A glimpse of the fabric stashed in the cupboard
a few fabrics...

Goodbye metal cupboard and plastic table - ready to be banished to under the house for tool storage

"Japanese Blocks" baby quilt

I honestly don't know how so many people are able not only to put numerous quilts together every month, but also manage to blog about them as well! I struggle to find time to work on quilts these days, much less make the time to take photos, write and post about them!

That said, I do love to see all the beautiful and creative projects out there in my favourite blogs, and I have loved the few lovely comments that I've received. I guess I'll never be a popular blog like so many that I follow, as I don't think I have the will power to keep posting regularly, but who knows, I may get better in the future...

Anyway, I am delighted that I've been able to make time lately to work on a few projects. This was partly inspired by my new and improved sewing area, which makes me want to sew more! I also have a list of quilts that need to be made - for friends having babies and for our own house as winter approaches (yes, even in Queensland we need quilts! or so i keep telling my husband....).

The first quilt in progress is my Japanese Blocks quilt that I'm making for friends of ours that are expecting a baby in July. I have had this fabric for over a year now, just waiting for a reason to put it all together (and like most fabrics I own, too scared to cut it!!) but decided it would make a perfect baby boy's quilt - especially since our friend spent a year living in Japan.

The blocks alternate with navy and cream linen borders around fussy cut squares. After several trips to the shops looking for a binding, I've finally decided to just go with a plain dark red, which I like more and more. I hope it will really set off the quilt once it's finished. I have finished all of the blocks, and now just need to finish squaring them off and put them together.

The finished blocks, on top of the red to be used for the binding.
Japanese blocks

Close-up of fish block

Japanese fish block

Close-up of swan block
Japanese swan block

First two rows laid out on my new sewing table. The finished quilt will be four blocks wide by five blocks long.
Japanese blocks

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I've really neglected this blog, and have just realised it's been a full month since I last made a post... not that anyone probably cares, as I doubt there are too many people reading it!!! (If any??)
Anyway, the three of us have been really busy the past few weeks. A road trip two weeks ago to see my in-laws and down to Sydney last weekend for a cousin's wedding. Only the trip to the airport took a lot longer than we'd planned after I crashed my car into a gum tree a few kms down the road from our house. Oops...

Car crash - 3 April 09 (7)
Car crash - 3 April 09 (4)

Luckily, neither of us were hurt. Baby R only had a small mark on his shoulder from the shoulder strap of his carseat! Thank goodness for car seats, as I can't imagine what would have happened to him without it. I was in shock for awhile, and had a few bruises on my face (and since, two black eyes!) from the airbag. Our wonderful neighbours came to the rescue, as A was down in Sydney waiting for us and couldn't get home to help us. THey took us to the hospital and looked after us all day until we got another flight to meet up with the family.

I'm now pretty much stuck at home during the week, so hopefully will find more time to add to this blog! I've got more fabrics to show and have started another quilt finally, so will have some new posts soon. x