That said, I do love to see all the beautiful and creative projects out there in my favourite blogs, and I have loved the few lovely comments that I've received. I guess I'll never be a popular blog like so many that I follow, as I don't think I have the will power to keep posting regularly, but who knows, I may get better in the future...
Anyway, I am delighted that I've been able to make time lately to work on a few projects. This was partly inspired by my new and improved sewing area, which makes me want to sew more! I also have a list of quilts that need to be made - for friends having babies and for our own house as winter approaches (yes, even in Queensland we need quilts! or so i keep telling my husband....).
The first quilt in progress is my Japanese Blocks quilt that I'm making for friends of ours that are expecting a baby in July. I have had this fabric for over a year now, just waiting for a reason to put it all together (and like most fabrics I own, too scared to cut it!!) but decided it would make a perfect baby boy's quilt - especially since our friend spent a year living in Japan.
The blocks alternate with navy and cream linen borders around fussy cut squares. After several trips to the shops looking for a binding, I've finally decided to just go with a plain dark red, which I like more and more. I hope it will really set off the quilt once it's finished. I have finished all of the blocks, and now just need to finish squaring them off and put them together.
The finished blocks, on top of the red to be used for the binding.
Close-up of fish block
Close-up of swan block
First two rows laid out on my new sewing table. The finished quilt will be four blocks wide by five blocks long.
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