Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fabric, fabric and more fabric...

What a week for fabric! I finally received the fabric I'd ordered to my mom's house! A great big box full - she had managed to cram it all (including the entire Recess fat quarter set) in to a flat rate box and even managed to squeeze in some of my old baby books and a little t-shirt for little R! Thanks mom!!!

The same day I also received a package from another recent order, which had the third charm pack and fabric to finish the Neptune quilt. I felt a bit guilty seeing all of that fabric on my sewing table, but at the same time, I was in fabric heaven!

The Neptune fabrics - one more charm pack to finish off the quilt! The dark blue will be the binding, and the other fabric will be a border for the back.
Neptune fabrics

Some new fabrics! Most of it on sale...
new fabric

Very quirky Japanese fabric - on sale, how could I resist?
Japanese fabric

Recess fat quarter set - great bargain, another sale!

Aww... a cute vintage-looking tshirt for my little boy, from his train loving grandfather.
Shirt for the little guy

And finally, my baby books from my mom. She's even written little notes on the inside of when I got them and what I loved... Very special.
my baby books


  1. noooo, the entire set of recess FQs? Wow - you lucky duck!!!!

  2. I hade little rabbit love that book it great for young kids
